Ada has too many photos to be uploaded but I've decided to streamline it to either 'outfit of the day' (OOTD) or memorable photo to reflect a typical event that has happened on the day. It has been 5 months plus since Ada was born but all the images recalls back memories easily!
Day 1: (27 July 2013)
"Hello everyone, I can't wait to meet you all!"
I can't believe this little one stayed in my womb for almost 10 months!
Day 2: (28 July 2013)
"I've rested for a day, and I'm ready to see you!"
My little hamster, snuggling after feeding. Of course, the breast milk has not started production. Latching was necessary to enhance milk flow!
Day 3: (29 July 2013)
"Ouch, that's hot"
Both of us were supposed to be discharged today but doctor advised us to let Ada stay for one more day to monitor her jaundice level. We hesitated but decided to extend a night stay for both myself and Ada so that I can continue to stay in the hospital to let her latch on during feeding time.
I guess the UV heat was quite hot as her ear turned red and dark patches surfaced as rashes starts to appear on her stomach :( Wore mittens and booties to prevent her hands and feet from getting dry.
Day 4: (30 July 2013)
"Why is this bathing method different from the past 2 days???"
Yeah! We can be discharged and daddy was so happy... Can't wait to let Ada sleep on her cot for the 1st time. Ada's 1st bath at home by the confinement nanny.
Day 5: (31 July 2013)
"Awwwwww… Snuggle snuggle"
Looking all comfortable at home.
Day 6: (1 Aug 2013)
"Am I pretty, Mummy?"
Went out for the first time for a follow-up at the Children's clinic at Toa Payoh. Pediatrician fixed an appointment for us to go back to her clinic to review Ada's jaundice level 2 days after we discharged.
Thank you Eileen for the pretty DIY hat and mittens
Requested for us to take a blood test at Mt. Alvernia's laboratory after checking on Ada and found that she looked yellow after pressing her face, chest and thighs. Instead of doing a blood test at pd's clinic, we went back to Mt. Alvernia so we that will be able to know the result faster.
Jaundice level was considered high as it went up to 12 and an admission was recommended to keep Ada under the ultraviolet light for 2-3 days to ensure that the jaundice level will drop by day 2.
Didn't know that it could hurt so much to leave my daughter in the hospital alone and under the UV lights. Although she won't feel anything as she was too young to realize, the pain of leaving her with somebody else is enough to break our hearts! Of course, we understand that it's for her good so we admitted her once the result is out.
Day 7: (2 Aug 2013)
"Sigh… Why am I back. It's hot in here!
I will get well soon to get out of the blue rays"
Many trips were made to and fro the hospital to ensure that she was fine, to latch her on during her milk time in the day and also to deliver breast milk for the nurses to feed her at night. We will leave home as early as 11am and stay till 11pm before we head home to rest.
Day 8: (3 Aug 2013)
"Hello Mummy, can we go home already?"
Visited my little ham ham in the hospital and glad that jaundice level dropped by 2 after a day under the UV lights. She has to stay in the hospital for another day and we hoped that the result will be satisfactory for discharge tomorrow!
Day 9: (4 Aug 2013)
"Daddy's feeding so it's safe. I can sleep while I drink."
Yeah Yeah! We are back home and it's daddy's first time feeding Ada! We tried using Playtex first but she keeps pushing the teat out while sucking. We thought that the teat might be too hard for her and switch back to Avent after this.
Day 10: (5 Aug 2013)
"New clothes? I'm feeling comfortable though"
and ohhh… her umbilical cord stump dropped today! This was a dried version after we dusted some baby powder and sun it for 2 days.
Day 11: (6 Aug 2013)
" *kicks* Can you spot my birthmark?"
This was the most fitting romper (smallest) -,-
We used it for the set of maternity photos that we have taken at W Hotel! You can check out the photos on my previous blog post -
Pregnancy (Maternity Photoshoot)
Day 12: (7 Aug 2013)
"Hmmmm, this owl friend is so soft!"
Thank you Eileen and Edwin for carrying the soft toy all the way back from US, it is very soft! |
Amidst all the preparation for Ada's birth-cert, CDA bank account, baby bonus and registration for infant care at various centre, we have decided on her Chinese name. Official summary of her name was sent to us today and will keep it for her till she grow up and read it on her own.
Ada a.k.a 馨蔓
Day 13: (8 Aug 2013)
"I need some support to prevent my head from nodding."
My love is supporting her head with her hand : >
Day 14: (9 Aug 2013)
"Happy Birthday Singapore! Ki qiu (hokkien)!"
Who will support me if I want to be a politician when I grow up? It's never to early to start investing in me, look for my daddy and mummy if you're interested ok!
I will do honor to my country, my people and of course, my family!
Day 15: (10 Aug 2013)
"It's too bright out there… not for me. Good night peeps!"
Day 16: (11 Aug 2013)
"Stretching time! Good morning, I am awake from my nap!"
Remembering how Ada can't fit into this jumpsuit as it was kind of big, can't help thinking that kids really grow too fast when she is able to fit in nicely after 2 weeks!
Now... |
...then. |
Day 17: (12 Aug 2013)
"I'm trying to relax as much as I can, chill~"
OOTD x 2 today! Too difficult to choose 1 out of the 2 OOTD. Both also cute…
Thank you Sis for the pretty Kitty set! |
Day 18: (13 Aug 2013)
"Feeling so femine after wearing this top… free hugs anyone?"
Thank you Esther for all the cute pre-loved clothing that were in tip-top condition! This is only 1 of the many pieces that you have passed to me.
Day 19: (14 Aug 2013)
"Errrrrr? Somebody help me? Daddy's trying funny poses on me."
We haven't been practicing Tummy time for Ada since birth as she have frequent reflux and will regurgitate milk out after drinking milk. We will have to sit her / incline her bed or carry her for the next 20 minutes after feeding. Today, daddy tried to let her do a quick tummy time but who knows, Ada's regurgitated faster. She spitted a mouthful on bed once she was in the following position!
Then.. daddy quickly lift her up and sit upright. Phewwww…
Day 20: (15 Aug 2013)
"Finally something to pacify and soothe me to bed…"
Since Ada reflux was quite bad, we can't feed more anything more than 60ml and nothing until 3 hours later. Guess she need more milk than what she could actually take in and hence, the non-stop crying. She would fuss for 30 minutes till we really couldn't bear to see her crying anymore, we will feed. Otherwise, I will latch her on and she will suck for about 15 minutes. The thing with breastfeeding, is you will never know how much your baby is drinking. All I can do is to estimate based on the milk level I would have if I"m expressing it plus another 10%?
So after drinking, she will regurgitate once I try to burp her. -.-"
Hence, the last resort is to pacify her needs by a pacifier! As the name says, it really pacifies her for a while. But I realized, after a while, she knows that no milk is coming out and start wailing!
This is the smallest pacifier fit for newborn and looking huge on her! |
Day 21: (16 Aug 2013)
"I'm feeling happy today, smirk~"
Day 22: (17 Aug 2013)
"Why do you always have to burp me Mummy? Bleah!"
I always thought that it's very uncomfortable for a baby to be burped this way till I hands on and following what the nurses taught me, I actually find it useful. Babies are too small to be carried and burp, they are also not able to sit upright on their own. Hence the best method, is to support their head and pat them lightly on the lower left back (where the stomach is located as told by the nurse). However, I don't use this method often as I felt that I'm squashing her face.
Day 23: (18 Aug 2013)
"This is so comfortable and cooling… but my head keep dropping sideways."
Set-up the traditional rocker and tried Ada on it since she needs to sleep on a inclined bed to minimize her regurgitation. Looks comfy but I don't really like as her head kept falling to the side.
Day 24: (19 Aug 2013)
"Squeezed, I've lots of pillow and bolster during bedtime."
Day 25: (20 Aug 2013)
"I'm youthful and I know it… but why a pimple at such a young age!"
Spotted a pimple or baby acne on Ada's face! Argh… applied the gel given by the hospital that was used to treat rashes and spots. Hopefully it'll heal soon!
Day 26: (21 Aug 2013)
"Am I prettier today? Pimple pimple go away."
Glad that either the gel works or the pimple has gone away on its own by the next day!
Day 27: (22 Aug 2013)
"I'm 20 days old! Have you started loving me?"
Day 28: (23 Aug 2013)
"Yawns, it's nap time again?"
"Raised eyebrows. What??? I'm turning 1 month soon?"
We will be celebrating Ada's 1st month tomorrow and all preparation has been completed! Time to catch some sleep and wake up early soon!
Day 30: (25 Aug 2013)
Ta-daaa… times flies! Today also marks the last day of our confinement nanny. Oops.
Daddy and Darling girl, both are so TANNED!
Managed to capture 2 dads in the photo! Ada's dad and MY dad! |
Want to know what we've planned for Ada's first month party?
Day 31: (26 Aug 2013)
"Do you like my new hairstyle?
This is probably the first and last time I'll going bald. Give me a choice and I'll say no!
Brought Ada to shave away her hair as a newborn's hair is considered 'dirty' and needs to be shaved off. Another saying would be newborn's hair are very fine and hair will grow better if it's being shaved. Regardless of which saying we are believing, no harm to shave bald for once to go with the tradition.
By the way, we shaved her eyebrows too! As the saying goes, it will shave away the 霉气.
Ada don't looked like Ada after shaving and holding onto her is like carrying another baby for awhile.
The 1st month photo series is finished and I'll try my best to find more time to do up the 2 month photo series soon. Be posted :)
p.s. if you find that this blog is too long, simply skip that next few similar series of blog posts.