Friday, November 28, 2014

Motivating, or not?

Maslow's Hierarchy

Level 1. Psychological
Level 2. Security
Level 3. Social
Level 4. Esteem
Level 5. Self-actualization


Studied about Maslow's Hierarchy on level of needs and have it at the back of my hands back then for the sake answering it right during an examination. However, as one evolves, it seems like the sequence of needs from level 1 - 5 seems to be untrue.

Agreed with one of the criticisms for Maslow's Hierarchy where fulfillment of needs was strongly correlated with happiness, self-actualization and social needs were important even when many of the most basic needs were unfulfilled.

Can you forgo psychological and security for social and self actualization needs? 

I'll say yes as most of the generations-now, have taken both psychological and security needs for granted, they do not have to fight for food and sleep, and will definitely have a place to stay with well supported facilities such as healthcare etc. So, we're only left with social, esteem and self-actualization needs. Side-track a bit, is this why people are being motivated to be self-centered?

At the end of the day, everyone is just trying to strike a balance. Not everyone have the same needs and a decision is usually made based on the level of needs that you needed most at that particular stage of life.

So, at this point of your life...

  • Where did your motivation come from? 
  • What is your motivation?
  • What are the needs that keeps you going?

Anyway, this is totally random and I'm just saying! Need to get some writing done to put off all the negativity.